General Category > General Questions

Health Insurance- Self employed



Are there health insurance plans out there for self employed individuals, if so, could someone share what they are?  I'm currently working ft for a company but will need to make some changes as I'm beginning to get more contract work for the services I provide, making it hard for me to juggle it all.  I'd like to find an insurance company so I would be able to not work ft and focus on my business.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!!


--- Quote from: roxdione on August 17, 2015, 03:07:47 PM ---Are there health insurance plans out there for self employed individuals ...
--- End quote ---

The short answer is yes, but health insurance is state-specific.  Google on small business health insurance for whatever state you will be insured in.

The one I see most frequently used in my state of Illinois is Humana. Also American Medical Security, and one other that is escaping me at the moment. In all instances, they are high deductible plans. ($5000-10,000).


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