Hi all, I just found this forum today while searching for an answer. I am hoping someone can help me as I have been at wits end over this. I have called NPPES, Medicare WV, Medicare PA, and Highmark and no one can give me an answer to what seems to be an easy question.
Anyways, I recently started doing the billing for a Group practice that has a location in PA. About a year ago they began working in West Virginia. Medicare of PA and Medicare of WV are in different jurisdictions so they had to get credentialed with Medicare of WV which they did. This practice sees patients in a hospital and also in an office setting. The office is not their office. They use it for an afternoon 1 day a week.
When they see patients in the hospital I put the hospital NPI and address in box 32, send it to Medicare of WV and Medicare pays just fine. Whenever they see patients in the office I put the group NPI and the physical WV address and send it to Medicare of WV. Claims keep denying saying the facility is incorrect. From what I have gathered it is denying because the NPI is registered to a PA practice location which means the claims should be billed to PA Medicare.
So now to the question. What is the solution to get these paid? Here are the options that I am guessing at, maybe one of them is correct or maybe one of you have a better idea.
1. Get a second group NPI based out of WV but that would also require new credentialing with all the WV insurance companies.
2. Use the NPI of the groups office that they are sharing.
3. Keep the box 32 as is and just send the claims to PA Medicare.
My first thought was #2 but the owner of the practice doesn't think that is correct. I tried to explain to him that it is no different that putting the hospital NPI there.
Please help.