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Setting up appointments.


What is a good script to have when calling to set up appointments?

a good script is NO script.. be yourself. Don't try to be a salesperson. Try to be empathetic, look for problems and offer solutions. If you try to use a "script" you will not get past the receptionist.

Agree, no script is best. I cut off scripted callers with a "No thanks", and hang up.

I agree with no script HOWEVER I do personally like to have an outline of sorts to help keep me on track.  I DO NOT have a typed out script because I don't like to sound like I'm reading a script.  I want to sound natural.  I hate when I can tell when someone is reading a script.  Just talk to me!  Like when you call an insurance carrier and you know they are not in the US and every answer they give is from a script.  So annoying!  Once one of our workers called and a male voice was reading but they referred to themselves as Mary.  My worker said "flip the script over, you got the wrong side!"

Anyway, an outline helps me to remember what points I want to cover but allows me to speak from my heart.  It also helps me if I suddenly forget where I was, or (as I often have happen) I just completely go blank.  ;)

Yes, I concur to everyone who says "no script" is needed for setting up appointments.

Just be yourself, and say what you need to say in order for you to win the trust of the one you're talking to.


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