Our office recently went to a new EMR/Billing program that is cloud based. As I am still in the learning process, I have come across more than 1 issue with this program. Apparently, the program can multiply but cannot divide. We bill $150 per unit of testing. Our tests range from a half unit to 2 units. For example, if I bill cpt code 96101 for 3 units at $150 per unit. The system multiplies correctly to bill $450. Now, I cannot bill a half unit, so it goes out as 1 unit but at half the amount, which is $75.00. This is where this program cannot divide. So, in speaking with the support department, I have been notified that this program can be "Bill for 1 unit for every ____ spent on this service during a single session" In the blank, the options are 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, 75 minutes, 90 minutes, or 2 hours. The only way to get the program to recognized a "half unit = $75.00" is to set the blank area to 30 minutes. My concern is that by doing this, it doubles the units. So if I am billing for say 4 units (one of these units are actually half a unit with charge of $75 and not $150), it doubles the units to 8 since it is in 30 minute intervals and not 4 (hourly units). Does this sound correct? I do not think it does. I have coded and billed for 13+ years and have never seen a program like this. My concern is more on the authorizations on some insurances will not process correctly if it is billed this way, because if we have authorization for 4 units and at the 30 minute interval, it will show correct charged amount but will show 8 units and not 4 units. PLEASE HELP!