Billing > Facility Billing
Residential mental health facility room and board claim in Nctracks
I am brand new to filing claims and I am having problems submitting my first claim. As the director/owner of the Mental Health residential treatment facility I am responsible for submitting all claims. It would seem the billing company I hired does not supply the claim codes. Nctracks also does not supply the revenue or procedure codes I need to enter my first claim. Somewhere I was told the sign of intelligence is that when you need help ask for it. Ignorance is making the same mistake and expecting a different result. Today, I need help .Does anyone have experience with filing a residential mental health claim for room and board. For that matter I need to file the initial new patient visit cpt code 99328 with a not known revenue code. I have used HCPCS code T2048 with revenue code 120 semi pvt room and board with negative results as well as revenue code 1005 B&H R&B also with denial for wrong procedure code. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
My best advice is to hire a professional coder.. no matter for the first claim or the next 20,000 claims. Get a professional coders. Billing companies are not always coders, coders IMHO should be IN HOUSE and be available to review documentation.
Are you billing for all inclusive room & board? Is it a psychiatric facility or a rehab facility? It may not be the rev code that is the issue. Many times it is the type of bill code (field 4) that is the problem.
Also, even though the billing company should not be coding the claims for you, they should be able to assist in pointing you to codes you should be looking at. You can hire a professional coder but if you do make sure they have UB04/inpatient coding experience.
Thanks for the feed back. I've posted a job for a coder. The facility is a residential mental health treatment facility. Type is group home. I've just tried rev code 902 as this the rev code in the DHHS website. Still got denied. Actively seeking a coder. Thanks everyone.
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