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Office Ally - Increasing Clearinghouse Fees

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For those who are using Office Ally as clearinghouse, you should have began seeing this notice popping-up each time you open Office Ally to send your claims this week.  With the Office Ally Non-par list getting longer and longer, pretty soon we will be paying $35 per month for each Provider no matter how small that Practice is. 

Any thoughts?  Any recommendations of a clearinghouse that will not break the bank?

Thank you!!!!


I don't use OA but have been seeing this circulating. I am sort of scratching my head about the complaints because this pricing is NOT exhorbant at all. It's inline with the industry. I don't maintain any software/clearinghouse costs for my clients. They absorb the costs and I can keep my rates down because I virtually have no overhead.

We use OA and I've seen the notice.  We are still fine with that.  For the number of claims we submit per month $35 is still less than $.01 per claim.  And personally I find there service excellent.  We will continue to use them.  Most of the other clearinghouses that I've seen charge per claim and it's way more than $.01.

Thank you!  I agree it is still acceptable.  Just wondering if anyone out there is using a different company worth checking-out.



--- Quote ---Thank you!  I agree it is still acceptable.  Just wondering if anyone out there is using a different company worth checking-out.

--- End quote ---

I don't see any PM or clearinghouse fees and i LOVE it that way!! When I did years ago I found it much easier researching pricing and clearinghouses via the PM vendor I was using first and then by their payer list. If OA, like Michele mentioned comes out to .01 per claim with volume I'd say that's a good price. Then factor in the old, but true saying "If it aint broke, don't fix it!" :) :)


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