Medical Billing Forum

Billing => Billing => : RoVeada May 15, 2019, 06:13:37 PM

: Charge-Backs
: RoVeada May 15, 2019, 06:13:37 PM

Can anyone share with me your policy and procedure for patient chargebacks? Does Perse a patient pays a bill and then submits a dispute on the charge with their bank or debit/credit card?

Also, do you all handle insurance charge-backs?

Thank you in advance for replies.
: Re: Charge-Backs
: PMRNC May 16, 2019, 12:40:54 PM
Consult the practices financial policy patient is given and then follow directives in you office policies and procedures. For my practices,  a chargeback is actually ''theft of service" unless patient has made other arrangements. We've had patients do charge backs if we charge them and then they give us their insurance info, its frustrating but we just show them the office financial policy they signed where it says they will pay the credit card fees associated with the charge back.  If you don't address this in any of your office policies you'll want to add it and then treat this as a debt, billing patient for full charge plus any fees.