Medical Billing Forum

Starting a Medical Billing Business => Starting Your Own Medical Billing Business => : new biller January 07, 2012, 12:52:52 AM

: fee splitting
: new biller January 07, 2012, 12:52:52 AM
Does anyone know if its legal to charge a percent in New Jersey.  Does anyone know where I can look this up. (a link) to see the legal laws in New Jersey for fee splitting.  I am under the impression from reading other posts that this is ilegal in Florida and New York but I need to know the law for New Jersey.
: Re: fee splitting
: PMRNC January 07, 2012, 08:27:21 PM
Fee splitting is not illegal in NJ, however if you are just starting out, I strongly urge you to not even get into billing on a percentage, it won't be long before it's prohibited for all doctors in all states, its also a recommendation of the OIG..and then there's the most logical reasoning of all..  getting paid for all of your work.  I'm from NJ, there are guidelines for NJ third party billing companies where as you have to go through the registration practice. You can find more about it at the following link:    I warn you ahead of time that it's involved and you will want to have your business up, running, and you will need compliance plan and contracts for approval. on the average NJ kicks back more than half for incomplete registrations.
: Re: fee splitting
: new biller January 09, 2012, 11:06:40 PM
Linda, Thank you for the link.. This is great information and I will look into it.  Right now, I'm just doing all the research and leg work to see whats involved in starting a billing company.