Medical Billing Forum

General Category => General Questions => : Self_Trained_Biller April 16, 2012, 05:35:03 PM

: End of Day/Month Procedures
: Self_Trained_Biller April 16, 2012, 05:35:03 PM
I have been billing for more than a few (8-10) years now, but was never formally trained as a biller. My parents bought a company & asked me to save it - which I did - but had to teach myself EVERYTHING from the ground up, including what a procedure code was. I did get a Coding Certificate a few years after I started billing, but other than that just figured the rest out day-by-day.

A friend and I were discussing the differences in our End of Day/Month/Quarter/Year processes. I am curious what standard reports or processes do other billing offices do? I was never told to do anything specific other than by my clients.

Does everyone "Close the Day"?

I'm always willing to learn a better way of doing business and hope someone can offer a few ideas that will help.
Thank you in advance.
: Re: End of Day/Month Procedures
: Michele April 16, 2012, 10:28:07 PM
As a billing service we do not "close the day".  However, in a provider's office I believe that is an important task.  Personally we run our day sheet/transaction reports once a month.  Sometime we run them mid month to check things out if necessary.  We run our aging reports on a schedule and try to do all accounts every 4-5 weeks.  We check any claim out over 30 days. 

Hope that helps.  Curious to hear other methods.
: Re: End of Day/Month Procedures
: Self_Trained_Biller April 17, 2012, 02:03:04 AM
Michele - Thank you. This is what I have always done as well. My friend does all kinds of closes & reports - as if she were the Doctors office.
: Re: End of Day/Month Procedures
: PMRNC April 18, 2012, 08:39:26 PM
I have a few clients who I do close the day for because they are very small practices so I make sure deposits all match up and the day is closed. Normally though I just run month end for all other clients. I do also provide a copay readout/reminder sheet to the same two smaller clients (they don't even have computers)