Billing > Facility Billing

Denial of CPT 11106


Recently Medicare and BCBS are denying CPT 11106 in our ASC. These codes are being billed with excision codes but modifiers are being used to show that they are separate locations. Does anyone have an answer or should we not be billing this CPT in an ASC setting

What are they denying them for?  Reason? 

151- payment adjusted because the payer deems the information submitted does not support this many/frequency of services. It was only 1 biopsy coded with 14060 using an XS modifier. The doctor was paid but not the ASC for 11106

Have you contacted them to ask for an explanation?  It sounds like it's hitting up against something but not on your bill.  I would start by calling and having them take a look to see if the claim was processed correctly.

thank you


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