Medical Billing Forum

Billing => Billing => : MedBiller2019 February 11, 2020, 01:02:36 PM

: Can Medicaid beneficiaries be billed?
: MedBiller2019 February 11, 2020, 01:02:36 PM
Some common denials I come across when dealing with Medicaid are the following:
Non-covered charges.
Service/equipment/drug not covered under plan.
Service not covered in fee schedule.

I'm unsure if Medicaid patients can be billed for these charges when Medicaid has made no payment towards their claim, or must these balances be written off?
There seems to be confusion in my office about when/if Medicaid beneficiaries are responsible for any of their medical costs.

: Re: Can Medicaid beneficiaries be billed?
: Michele February 12, 2020, 09:40:18 AM
Most cases have laws stating that Medicaid eligible patients can not be billed.  You need to check your state laws, but usually you cannot bill a Medicaid patient.  However, if it is known as a non covered service, and the patient signs a prior notice being fully aware the service is not covered, that may be legal, but again you have to check your state laws.
: Re: Can Medicaid beneficiaries be billed?
: MedBiller2019 February 17, 2020, 02:32:45 PM
Thank you!
That's what I thought but as a new biller I just don't want to get my doctor's in trouble!
: Re: Can Medicaid beneficiaries be billed?
: Michele February 17, 2020, 02:37:20 PM
You're welcome!    :)