Starting a Medical Billing Business > Starting Your Own Medical Billing Business


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I am starting a home based billing business and working on my marketing. I have been marketing for approx 4 months now and have yet to nab a client. I am considering taking courses to specialize in Mental Health. I wanted to know if it would be more advantageous to market a specific specialty or to continue doing general marketing as to not limit myself on acquiring a client in any specialty?

Thank you,
Alicia Acosta
Ace Processing Medical Claims Billing Service

Hi Alicia,

Don't limit yourself to one specialty.  I've been marketing since October 09 and have 1 client so far.  Marketing isn't easy and there is no line of providers just waiting for us to reach out to them but as one doctor I cold called told me yesterday, "Keep reaching out to doctors, there is a need."  Needless to say his words were very encouraging since he was my 40th call of the day.  Keep going and good luck!


in your marketing, are you just trying to come across a provider who wants to switch or are you actually trying to find out what they have now and tell them you will give them more services, reports, etc or lower price.. or so? i am going to be starting marketing soon.. 40 calls a day? gosh.. do you actually get to talk to the providers or just their staff? good luck!!!

You want to market to only those that you can follow up on.  It is about maintaining a presence and trying to build a relationship.  The best is to go in person and have a conversation with the staff and most importantly with the Office Manager.  Even if they don't bite then and flat out say no, you still want to keep in touch whether you drop by and drop off a goodie or piece of education, or make a phone to just check in or send them a little note. Doing this will keep you on top of mind so that you are the first person they think of when they have a need that you can fill.  Or when they hear someone else with a need you are who comes to mind and they refer you to them. It does take time but be persistant and consistant and it will eventually pay off.

Hi Erika,

When I call I am introducing myself to local providers or following up from visits or mailings.  I've stopped in offices, left information, candy bowls and new calendars for the year etc. (all with my information securely attached or displayed of course  :D) I agree with DFranklin.  You have to have a follow up plan.  I keep a spreadsheet with all the necessary information for each provider I contact, who I spoke with, if information was provided etc. and in another column I list if this provider/office should be contacted again and if so how (mail, phone, visit).  It also helps me keep up with conversations once a office calls me and to make sure I am not repeatedly contacting the same offices over and over again.  There is a method to the madness.  When I call an office I am speaking with the office staff and in some instances the provider themselves (especially true for therapists).  All in all I believe combined with all the marketing I listed above (phone, mail, in person visits) I have reached out to probably 500+ offices/providers.  Seems like a lot but unless there is a list of those in need of billing services that we can just call and sign its a hit or miss numbers thing.

As far as the conversation I have with them I start by asking how their current billing is going, any challenges they face, something they need or wish they could have that they don't now and things of that nature.  I talk about my strengths and the services I offer.  I do not try to compare myself to their current biller or refer to them at all.  I offer a consultation and to do an analysis of their current billing.  I believe if the need is there and I am given the opening to expose it the provider will see and make an informed decision if a change is necessary but I don't want to speak negatively about another service or anything because I don't think its necessary.  You know that whole what's in the dark will come to the light thing.  LOL  Good luck with your marketing!



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