Starting a Medical Billing Business > Starting Your Own Medical Billing Business


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4 Months is not really that long, I like what the others had to say. Hang in there and only market as much as you can follow up with (phone or in person) I did not do one method, I did cold-calling, follow-up, survey's, and even responded to classified ad's. It can take a billing company a year or more to land that first one, it really varies. I use a contact management software to track my marketing and I keep things "personal" in the way I address the materials I send. For example I use multi colored envelopes and hand write my envelopes and I try to obtain the office managers name if possible. I will also contact some of those I have mailed to and try to introduce myself over the phone by maybe offering a tid-bit or tip on certain things specific to my state or to that specialty. For example I do specialize in Mental health but I also do pediatrics and GP, I have been contacting mental health practices to remind them about the new parity laws and give them the down side to it and how to distinguish whether or not a patient will have the parity benefits available or NO mental health benefits available. I also contacted GP offices about the H1N1 and the various ways carriers were reimbursing. There's also HITECH and even getting them to talk about what the ramifications will be if the Senate passes the Health reform bill.

This is a great time to market.. Many doctors are scared about this pending bill and what it will mean to them. Do your research and give them options!!

Melissa, i see. i hope i will, too, have this method to the madness :D

Linda, what do you think will happen if the senate passes the health reform bill? how will it affect us and providers? i try to read as much as possible about all updates that i find, but i still feel i am way behind with all the changes and new regulations to be able to sell myself based on my knowledge.. i sure cant answer the question about effects of the reform on reimbursement and billing..

In my opinion you are going to see two different extremes. You will have the doctors that are going to make a stand and opt out of all insurance plans or the govt option plan and Medicare. There WILL be Medicare cuts and employers WILL be getting premium increases which could also indicate loss of benefits, changes in plans to the govt sponsored plan, etc. The other extreme will be the doctors who will stay in the plans they are with BUT will see rate cuts and with that make cut backs in their office. This is why I think it's a PRIMO time to market and if you are not reading up and keeping up with are MISSING out. On the average I am TAKING calls and talking to 10-12 physicians a day on this ONE issue. In my area I am finding many doctors are really upset with the AMA's endorsement and I have talked to many who have discontinued membership with the AMA and will be backing out of Medicare and other carriers and will not par with the govt run plan. Whether they will be responsible for billing is still up in the air IF it passes. (or as I like to say, if it's rammed up our....) What I do know is that the govt will NOT be able to force providers to par with this so-called govt option, doctors have been screwed by Medicare and Medicaid for years and to think they want another govt run program is ludicrous!  With BOTH scenario's you will see patients moving to ER's for care, or simply not going to the doctor because less and less doctors are going to go along with it. Those that do will have to make cut backs in their offices but they will see an increase in patient volume to make up for the loss revenue, many times this means they will cut staff which means they would be more likely to "outsource"

Again, there are going to be many domino's falling.. IF this thing gets passed.  I've been asked by many if I read all 1000 + pages.. and the answer is YES I have, which is more than I can say about the Senate! I highlights and notes all over the place.. .and there are many changes/suggestions that were never openly disclosed that NO one has got to read or learn about. I took the PDF version that was up on the net for a while and took it to Kinko's .. LOL I started to print it here and said.. Oh this is not going to work. <g>  I also got myself those little mini flags and have notes on pages where I think us billers will see change.. This is where it might be hard for some of us. AS a medical billing company I can see this being a great thing for us.. however as an American, I'm not one bit happy about this and as someone who also represents physicians I have to somewhat curtail my opinions with providers who are indeed in favor of it. (though I've not spoken to many that are happy about it,  maybe a handful)  Overall providers are probably JUST as upset as the rest of the working class American Citizen is and if not more so!

PERSONALLY SPEAKING ..  I DO NOT HIDE THE FACT that I did not vote for that idiot but I did try to give him the benefit of the doubt when he was elected... and now all I can say is "I called it".  Pelosi, Reid and Obama need to go along with the others cramming this bill through.   I could go on and give you all the reasons why this is going to be a disaster not to mention a big breach of our constitutional rights..but I'll spare you my rant for now.


     All I'm going to say is "AMEN". 


I second that :)


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