Author Topic: Signing First client  (Read 2950 times)


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Signing First client
« on: July 27, 2010, 11:44:08 PM »
I have gone through many steps to get my medical billing business going.  I have done some things to market myself and get out there. Mostly, I have visited  aphysician offices with 'gifties' to introduce myself and let them know about my services.  I have a brochure and a website.  However, no takers yet.  :(  I am looking for some guidance and direction on signing my first client.  Does anyone have surefire marketing methods that truly get results.  I am really working on a 'shoe string' budget and running out of funds fast.  I have called all the offices I have visited to follow up as well.  Also read the 'Getting your First Client' ebook by Alice and Michelle.  Any help is so greatly appreciated!!! 



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Re: Signing First client
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2010, 01:12:35 PM »
Unfortunately there is no surefire method.  If there was there would be millions of billing services out here.  The ones of us who make it are the ones who have that "never give up" attitude.  I know it's hard not to get discouraged, especially if you are in it alone.  Thankfully Alice and I did this together.  When one was down, the other would pick them up.  That's what this forum is for too.  It can be very discouraging when you don't get any results, but the key is in quantity as well as quality.  In any industry, you are going to get x number of 'no's' before you get a 'yes'.  If you just keep that in mind, the 'no's' are a little easier to take.  It's really a numbers game.  If it takes 99 'no's' to get a 'yes' then you have to make sure you hit 100 providers.  If you only do 5 then your odds are very low to get a 'yes'.  That helped me a lot in the beginning.  I just kept reminding myself I had to hit x offices in order to have a chance.  Then I looked a every no as one step closer to a yes.

Good luck and hang in there.

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Re: Signing First client
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2010, 01:53:36 PM »
Thank you for the encouragement!  I believe I have hit close to 100 offices with my little trips to introduce myself and drop off goodies.  I am preparing a postcard mailing, so that will go out shortly.  I have made several calls to the offices I visited that had 'promise'.  But nothing yet..

I am in this alone, other than moral support from family and friends..

I did see one of the other members has used Craigslist with positive results, so I have gone that route as well.  I will just keep plugging away!

Thanks again


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Re: Signing First client
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2010, 03:39:57 PM »
I know you might not want to hear this, but 100 isn't many at all. Like Michelle said, it's a numbers game. In addition to direct mail marketing you might also want to expand your internet marketing. Just building a website is not enough. Since you have one it's a good idea to take things to the next level. While I can appreciate those on a shoestring business, just like any business.. it does take money to make money. Sure you can keep your costs down but in exchange you need to expect to spend MORE time marketing and right there time=money.

If you are going to do postcards, keep them simple but offer something of relevance, something that is going to make them call you or even just visit your website. Offer a free article or newsletter off your website and use the postcards to advertise your website and you kill two birds with one stone. Your goal is to get them to call you first.. if not get them to your website and get them to browse the site..your website will be an extension of your direct mail marketing so make it count!

Look at your website through your customer's eyes, not your own, you'll be surprised that what appeals to you might not appeal to your target audience. Make sure your website is search engine friendly, optimized, and that you have good SEO and submission services, change content on a month by month basis, websites with outdated information will get pushed down lower to accommodate sites that do update.
Linda Walker
Practice Managers Resource & Networking Community
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Re: Signing First client
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2010, 04:40:41 PM »
I definitely appreciate all the great advice!  I will continue to apply it and just keep working at this.  I understand I will have 100's of no's first, but that is not a deterrent. I have really only been at this on my own for about a month, so I have a way to go!  thanks again for the pointers!!!    :)

Medical Billing Forum

Re: Signing First client
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2010, 04:40:41 PM »