Author Topic: AMA PATH (Practice Analysis Tool for Healthcare)  (Read 3943 times)


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AMA PATH (Practice Analysis Tool for Healthcare)
« on: August 29, 2010, 06:52:03 AM »
AMA PATH (Practice Analysis Tool for Healthcare)
Has anyone heard of or are familiar with the AMA PATH? Or any other similar product?
It is an analyzer that looks like it could be a great service to provide to our providers.

It can:

Physician Fee Analyzer

Compare practice fee schedules against the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, the cost of delivering services, the Minimum Charge Threshold and national fee statistics for geographic locality.

Modifier Utilization Analyzer

Generate a report that compares the national ranking of modifier utilization with your practice's aggregated utilization.

Procedure Code Utilization Analyzer

Generate a report that compares the national ranking of procedure utilization with your practice's aggregated utilization.

You can go to the below link to check it out....

Medical Billing Forum

AMA PATH (Practice Analysis Tool for Healthcare)
« on: August 29, 2010, 06:52:03 AM »