NPI Numbers > NPI Numbers

Whose NPI to use?

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Billing Medicare for physical therapy services: usually a patient will receive several procedures perhaps 3 x wk x 4 wks.  So Line 24 would cover say May 1 through May 31 for CPT 97530 for the total units performed that month.  The next line would be the same for CPT 97112 for the total units done that month.  The third line might be for CPT 97116.

My question is: whose NPI number is put in column J if there have been multiple therapists seeing the patient during that month?

I need some help with this ASAP.

Thank you.

I don't bill PT like that.  They need to know the exact dates of the service and using a range of May 1st - May 31st with say 12 in the units doesn't provide enough info for most carriers to process.  Most will request the exact visit dates.  I bill each procedure for each visit on a separate line, with the rendering provider NPI on that line.


Thanks for the reply. 

I'm wondering though if Medicare is different.  On the Medicare form CMS-1500 there are only 6 lines and they specifically have the dates from (MM DD YY) and to (MM DD YY).

Would you do this different than your first answer?

Thanks for any input.

No, I bill PT to Medicare.  If you use a date range it is denied asking for the specific dates.  PT sometimes requires multiple CMS forms to report several visits.  We bill them out weekly, so if the patient has 3 visits a week, it sometimes takes 3 separate forms.


Thanks, that's very helpful!


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