Author Topic: Clearinghouse Fees  (Read 3646 times)


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Clearinghouse Fees
« on: May 14, 2012, 12:48:24 PM »
I have been using Office Ally, now I have a non-profit practice pending. They asked for a mock report before they sign a contract. They want to be sure that I can produce their reports. Office Ally can not produce the entire report. This practice has unique needs because they are non-profit, the reports need to reflect Net, Average, Average per patient, Net effect and % of Net effect. The other  information in the report is standard. I would like a web-base software that can produce all the information above. The previous billing company used Medisoft, I researched Medisoft and it can produce reports. But they charge $79 per provider for clearinghouse fees and this is a large practice with 14 providers. Do all medical billing software charge a fee for clearinghouse, per provider? With clearinghouse fees being $79 per provider that would be $1,106 per month. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks :)


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Re: Clearinghouse Fees
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2012, 08:13:17 PM »
, I researched Medisoft and it can produce reports. But they charge $79 per provider for clearinghouse fees and this is a large practice with 14 providers. Do all medical billing software charge a fee for clearinghouse, per provider? With clearinghouse fees being $79 per provider that would be $1,106 per month. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I'm not sure if you are looking for suggestions on a software or clearinghouse or both..with that large of a client I would def look into a higher end system because of the special needs in reporting. When you got those prices, that's the pricing for the clearinghouse after you purchase the software license correct? If I'm not mistaken you can shop around for clearinghouses once you have your software.
For a non-profit group of that size, don't skimp on software, make sure you get something that is going to be able to give you the reports they are going to need. Because they are non-profit they have to maintain that non-profit status so they will need really good reports.  Once you decide on software you can then look into clearinghouses. There are still many out there that will cut a discount deal for a certain volume. do some research.
Linda Walker
Practice Managers Resource & Networking Community
One Stop Resources, Education and Networking for Medical Billers

Medical Billing Forum

Re: Clearinghouse Fees
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2012, 08:13:17 PM »