Author Topic: Need an Added Push for the MPP program to replace Competitive Bidding Program  (Read 2701 times)


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    • Medbill
There are multiple efforts on going to do away with or at least replace the Competitive Bidding Program.  Providers are scrambling in order to prevent a drastic cut in reimbursement as well as a blow to quality care and service to beneficiaries.

Congressman Tom Price in NC has sent an open letter requesting feed back in order to acquire guidance on his steps forward.  If you have the time please reach out and let him know the effects as you see them.

Below is the Article and Contact Information:

Additionally, Several petitions have been started.  It would be nice if they were consolidated but here is the one that has the most signatures to date.  They need 100,000 by Mid April.  Every signature helps.

I have posted the VADMEC link before but i'm not sure the response it received.

Many of the users in this forum may not be focused on DME but it all comes down to quality of care and small business.  There are so many small businesses that I interface with and they are in dire straits.  They are facing reimbursement cuts while being bombarded with Audits from Medicare and Medicaid.  It seems to be a "weeding out" process by which the "powers that be" will suffocate the less-agile providers.

This means loss of jobs for small business as well as less choice for the patient.  I understand the need to cut healthcare costs but this is not what is being accomplished.  More Money is being spent on Administration of the Audit program, Contractors to execute it and other ancillary services than what is actually being saved.

Here is one small business perspective from a Business Owner in NC.

Thank you for your help and attention.

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