Author Topic: How I can find out if my company did indeed apply to Medicare?  (Read 5946 times)


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I was working for a new walk-in medical clinic and was told to apply for an NPI, which I did. The company then applied with the insurance companies and Medicare for each Nurse Practitioner on staff. I have my NPI number and provider taxonomy number, and wondered how I can find out if my company did indeed apply to Medicare, as I have just completed working there, but am now planning to take on a new contract to make site visits in Nursing homes for another company.
Can this new company just use my NPI, and if all was taken care of, they should be able to bill Medicare for my services? If not, what do you suggest? I have contacted Medicare to see if they have a provider number for me etc., and they provided no information other than to tell me to look a the website…….

Hi Deborah,
The NPI number you have is yours and goes with you wherever you go. It is a unique number assigned to identify you, and it doesn't matter where you are working. However, if the walk in medical clinic did apply to Medicare on your behalf they would have done so with their tax ID# and address, etc. So now that you will be working for a new company you would need to reapply for Medicare anyway. So even though Medicare won't give you much help, you will most likely have to start from scratch.

Usually the Medicare applications are available on their website, so maybe that is why Medicare directed you there.

I hope that helps!
Good luck
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